Monday, June 15, 2015

Romans 1:18-32

I am so thankful to my associate pastor and Sunday School teacher, Joe Burnett.  He is now teaching through the book of Romans.  This last week he was in Peru- at our church plants there- and asked me to teach his class.  He had already taught on Romans 1:1-17.  I finished up the chapter.

What means so much to me is that Joe sees me as an equal.  See, there are men in the class.  Some people think women shouldn't teach a class when men are present.  Joe is not one of those that believe women shouldn't teach.  Some people think women can only teach women and children.

I grew up in the Church of the Nazarene.  At the little church I went to it was mainly my grandmother and older ladies.  No men.  So- it was always women teaching.  Except the preacher.  Women are allowed to be pastors/preachers in the Nazarene church but we never had one at the church I went to.

I've attended some Baptist churches where women do speak or pray from the pulpit.  At my church, women have on occasion spoke from the pulpit- a testimony, or something going on their life or to do with the church but I have never personally witnessed a woman teach or preach a sermon at my church.  I have never heard a woman pray over the offering or benediction at my church.

Recently I taught for Joe during a series he was teaching and a couple chose not to come because I was teaching.  Yeah, it hurt.  But Jesus was so offended he could be offended anymore, I take a cue from the One that lives in me.

One of my mentors, Gregg sent me the following link- and it really really helped me.  I am going to share it.  It cleared some things up for me.

So thanks Joe- thanks for seeing me as Christ sees me.  It means a lot to me!

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