Saturday, January 3, 2015

26.5 Years

Yesterday was our HALF anniversary- 26.5 years. : ) Wow, time sure has flown by.
The last several days Nick has been transferring our video's onto DVD's and we have watched our children, and ourselves- grow older. We've seen faces and heard voices of those gone on.
I've seen myself before I came into the grace of Jesus. I cringe at times- and then I thank God for His transforming life in me.
I saw where we sat down at the table and had family devotions. The question posed at the table was, "How do we know Jesus lives in us?"
We saw where we were with family in Kentucky and on youth group ministry trips.
I saw friends and family members who have changed so much that I hardly recognize them- and in good ways- and not so good.
But always always, my sweet Nick was there. I am thankful and blessed to share this life with him. Before we got married in 1988 I read a poem and thought- that's what I would like:
GROW old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in his hand
Who saith, ``A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!''
- Robert Browning
And I guess, as we've watched our life in video's these last few days- this song says it best:
Thanks for living this life with me, Nick Ellison. I know it's not been easy. I know there were times when you thought, "I can't keep doing this with her." (Hopefully that was a LONG LONG LONG time ago!) But your love for me has been sure and intense. I've always felt unconditionally loved by you. Thanks for putting up with my quirky ways- quirky questions- just my quirkiness!
I sure love you!

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