Saturday, December 20, 2014


Jesus wants to heal those broken places in you....
Christiane Northrup in 'Mother-Daughter Wisdom' describes what we receive from our mothers as being similar to being dealt a hand of cards. What we received is formative and foundational, but this "hand" is NOT our destiny. If you didn't get dealt a great hand, say, or your cards are torn or bloody, folded or lousy or even missing, this is where the healing presence of Jesus Christ can come in and wash your cards clean. He gives you the cards He intended for you to have. He restores. He has established our destiny, which is to have Him formed in us. He is our inheritance, and we must bring Him our hearts, our wounds, all that we were meant to have as girls growing up. We bring Him the hand we were dealt and ask for His healing. His name is Faithful and True. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He wants to heal us! Jesus is the One Who has the right to speak into our lives with authority and power. He has the power to bless who we are and who we are becoming. We need to hear from Him.- Stasi Eldredge, Becoming Myself
Thank You, Jesus- for healing all those broken places in me so that I be who You created me to be. Healed. Whole. Complete.

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