Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Last night I went to a follow-up class to the Advanced Discipleship Training Class I took for 8 months recently.
We discussed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I had the misconception that PTSD was for men and women that had been in the military. It is not.
As I was reading over the symptoms I began to see ME- at 9 years old until I was about 38.
I had no idea a 9 year old could suffer PTSD. Or it just hadn't clicked with me- that I did. I was in the car, and remember the accident that my mother was killed in and my sister Karen, terribly injured. I remember it all. For years I had dreams of it. At that time there was no counseling for someone- a child or adult- in Casey County- that had suffered through trauma.
I just learned to cope and deal with everything the best I could. Which was pretty lousy. I am so thankful that Casey Co. now has Adanta to help those kids that went through some of the trauma my sisters and I did with our mothers death. I am thankful God saved my sister Karen Cleary Johnson, for she IS one of those counselors!
But most of ALL, I am thankful for THE HEALER. I do not deal with PTSD, trauma, or the like anymore. He healed me, before I even knew the name of it : )
I've been walking in His healing for several years now- and boy, what a weight has been taken from me- physically, emotionally and mentally.
And if He can heal me....He can...
you...or someone you know...or that 9 year old kid you know.....

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