Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Settle me, Lord.

Jesus, my Beloved.

Yesterday I got to do something I have desired for a VERY long time.  I got to sit down and talk for about an hour and a half with a young man who struggles greatly with something.  Something he cannot control.  It's a part of his brain function that just- is.  Out of that comes other disorders.  My heart breaks for him.  But he puts up a facade.  He is fake.  He has learned to be fake to cope with his disorder and- a family member who just wants him to be perfect.

I got to share with him how God created him.  Spirit, soul and body.  I told him the functions of his whole self.  We talked about how his disorder and his family made him feel.  His emotions are so calloused he hardly KNOWS how he feels.

We talked about flesh- coping mechanisms.  It astounds me how little the church as a whole knows about how God created man- why He created man- and how we deal with life apart from Him.  But I understand.  How can a pastor or teacher or just anyone preach/teach what they don't know?  No wonder they stick with the Old Testament.  No wonder they preach/teach with "do-do" glasses on.  They have not had the revelation of Jesus Christ.  They know Him as Savior, Master, Lord and maybe Friend but they do know know Him as Peace, Joy, Healer, Life, Truth, Resurrection, Creator of the new inner man.

The young man asked me, "What can I pray for myself?"

What a great question!

I simply said, "Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you."

I don't think that is exactly what he wanted to hear but I can't tell him anything else BUT Jesus.  Jesus is the Way and every other way is NOT the way.  He is enough.  His riches are Himself- why would we want anything else?

Then my sister called me.  Just heart broken.  A young man she knows (I do not know him)- a "wonderful Christian boy"- who is actually in the ministry, just got his girlfriend pregnant.

Oh, the secrets we hide.  Oh, the facades we put on.  She told me this young man was "all godly" on the outside but on the inside- a mess.  But not many people knew it.

And you know what?  He may marry the girl.  But if he doesn't come to really KNOW this Jesus, if he doesn't let this Jesus do a mighty work in him (and it may hurt!), and if he doesn't allow this Jesus to heal him- then marrying the girl won't solve the problem.  Because the problem is not the problem.  It's just a symptom of something else going on in him.  It will manifest in many other ways in his life.

This kid is just eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil- both sides.  The self-righteous and the unrighteous.  He is just trying to get his needs met.  Love, Acceptance, Worth and Security.  By being a "good Christian boy" and by giving in to the 'lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life'.  It's all flesh.  And flesh always leads to death.  There is no life and peace apart from God, for He IS Life and Peace.  And God WILL NOT allow anything but Himself bring us Life and Peace.

But only God can meet the needs- Love Acceptance Worth Security Truth Significance- that He created BOTH these young men with!  Which one will come to the end of their self and allow Him to anoint them with Himself? Either one?  Both?

I pray they both will.

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