Monday, January 18, 2010

Death, where is thy sting?

In an email to a friend about death.

"I don't think one ever gets over a physical death. I don't think we are meant to. God created us NOT knowing death so death is actually unnatural to us. I know that sounds kind of odd but think about it. When God created Adam and Eve, He didn't create them to die but to live. It was their sin that caused them to come to know death. They actually experienced TWO deaths. A spiritual death and a physical death. Just like God is a triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) so we are triune, we are body (flesh, blood and bones), soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit (conscienceness of God, intuition of God and communion with God). He breathed in them His breath of Life, His Spirit, which created a spirit in them. When they sinned, His Spirit left them and their spirit...died. So their children, (all of us), are born with dead spirits. If you read John 3, Jesus tells Nicodemas that the spirit is born of the Spirit, born again. What was dead (our spirit) is now made alive. When we trust and believe in Jesus, He places His Spirit in us and makes our spirit alive. Romans 6 is great about all of this. So we are back (reconciled, reunited) to where we should have been originally (before the fall). We are now natural. But sin has it's consequences and our physical body will still die. But we will never experience real death because of Jesus..who He is, what He has done for us (reconciled us to God, reunited with God, redeemed our soul)..He brought us back to the right relationship with God. It is our soul, our soul is our mind (thinker), will (chooser) and emotions (feeler), with which we choose to believe in Jesus...John 3:16.

But the gospel is so much more than God rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and transferring us in the kingdom of His Son. (Colossians 1:13).

Check out Galatians 2:20 and Colossians 1:26-27. It was revealed to Paul that not only did Jesus die for us and rise for us (overcome sin and death)....He places His very Life inside of us. That how we are His body. His physical body. The church, His people, are His physical body! He dwells within us. John 15.

Amen and amen! That is how we live this Christian life! Apart from Him, we can do nothing. He lives it through us. In and through us. Wow!"

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