Here is what I have discovered: just before the Lord releases a new mantle or anointing upon an individual, He will often "dis-mantle" that individual’s previous level of service. This dismantling may not feel good. We may pass through a season of brokenness. But if we keep faith during the process, the new mantle with come. When it does, you will have greater conformity to Christ, and thus greater power. – In Christ’s Image Training

A child of God- beloved, holy, righteous, blameless, healed, forgiven, brand new, sheep, salt, light, a branch, temple of God, reconciled, a saint, God's workmanship, hidden with Christ in God, an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life, a partaker, a living stone- crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ lives IN ME!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Easy like Sunday morning
Partly cloudy,65 degrees
And a 5 mile run with Cody : )
What a way to start the day!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
My Kiddo's!
You know, I've always loved my kids- from the moment I held their little bodies that had just come from my body. Well, I loved them even before that!
I've been a mother since I was 19. Feels like, all my life. The years have flown by so very fast I can hardly keep up with all the changes in them. They grew just as fast physically as they did emotionally and intellectually. I've loved them in every stage of life.
But I have to say, these last few years have been the best with them.
Maybe it's because they aren't changing as fast as they used to. They are all adults, independent and making their own choices. Kind of paying their own way- to a point.
Maybe it's me....finally comfortable with my own self.
Maybe it's because we don't have the conflict as much as we did during the growing up years.
Maybe now, I can be more of a friend and confidante than I could then. I can just be me now instead of Mom that had to have it all together (I thought, and it was all a facade, anyway). Being a mom is hard work. So many chores and keeping up with school, church, activities. And working outside the home. It was an endless cycle of constant activity. Although, I must say, there came a point when the kids were early teenagers when we said NO to all the activities (sports). We felt it was more important, and still do, that being with church youth group was more important and having down time. Some kids today their time is so structured!
I've come to cherish and enjoy the moments I have with them. I don't take for granted the moments like I used to.
I love being with them. I love that we are a close family who enjoys each other's company. I thank God for that. It's only because of Him that we are a close family. Oh Jesus...the Healer so much more than we ever know!
I love you, my Lord. Oh, how I love You!
I've been a mother since I was 19. Feels like, all my life. The years have flown by so very fast I can hardly keep up with all the changes in them. They grew just as fast physically as they did emotionally and intellectually. I've loved them in every stage of life.
But I have to say, these last few years have been the best with them.
Maybe it's because they aren't changing as fast as they used to. They are all adults, independent and making their own choices. Kind of paying their own way- to a point.
Maybe it's me....finally comfortable with my own self.
Maybe it's because we don't have the conflict as much as we did during the growing up years.
Maybe now, I can be more of a friend and confidante than I could then. I can just be me now instead of Mom that had to have it all together (I thought, and it was all a facade, anyway). Being a mom is hard work. So many chores and keeping up with school, church, activities. And working outside the home. It was an endless cycle of constant activity. Although, I must say, there came a point when the kids were early teenagers when we said NO to all the activities (sports). We felt it was more important, and still do, that being with church youth group was more important and having down time. Some kids today their time is so structured!
I've come to cherish and enjoy the moments I have with them. I don't take for granted the moments like I used to.
I love being with them. I love that we are a close family who enjoys each other's company. I thank God for that. It's only because of Him that we are a close family. Oh Jesus...the Healer so much more than we ever know!
I love you, my Lord. Oh, how I love You!
"The Holy Spirit puts within the hearts of all genuine believers a desire for authentic community".- Frank Viola, Reimagining Church.
There are some I do experience authentic community with- a dear couple God brought into our life, Connie and Beas, Nick and I call them "our parents" -a few with church-body I attend - and then the people God brought into my life since 2008. I guess to me they are the Exchanged Life people although I hate to label them. They are my 'authentic community' - I feel more myself around the people I mentioned above than I do other believers. Sometimes I feel when I am with the other believers church is a thing people do, not WHO we are.
I am thankful for the authentic community God has brought into my life. I just long to be with them more-
just more. : )
Well, amen!
There are some I do experience authentic community with- a dear couple God brought into our life, Connie and Beas, Nick and I call them "our parents" -a few with church-body I attend - and then the people God brought into my life since 2008. I guess to me they are the Exchanged Life people although I hate to label them. They are my 'authentic community' - I feel more myself around the people I mentioned above than I do other believers. Sometimes I feel when I am with the other believers church is a thing people do, not WHO we are.
I am thankful for the authentic community God has brought into my life. I just long to be with them more-
just more. : )
Well, amen!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Friday, May 16, 2014
I can't see...
Today my best friend, Patricia and I were talking about our loved ones already with Jesus. Patricia has a daughter, Anna, with Him. My closest relative with Him is my mom.
It's hard when your loved one has been physically called away from the world. I know we still are connected because we are both children of God and therefore are part of one Body, His Body.
I KNOW that but I can't see as Patricia sees. It's been 35 years since I last saw my mom. She rocked me. She held me. She carried me in her body for 9 months. Trust me, grief over her sudden death at such a young age just about destroyed me for years. I got through the best I could.
But I can't see (know, experience) the loss and grief Patricia goes through. She rocked Anna. She held Anna. She carried Anna in her body for 9 months. That grief and loss and despair has to be so different than any grief I went through- still go through- from time to time.
Flesh of her flesh, bone of her bone. I can't imagine the ache not just in her heart but her arms. The ache of her eyes. The ache of her fingertips. The ache of her lips. The ache of her nose. The ache of a mother who on this life cannot hold or see or touch or kiss or smell her daughter.
Does she sit quietly with You, Jesus and close her eyes and rest deep in her spirit where You are and because You are- Anna is- and hold her daughter? Run her fingers through Anna's hair? Kiss her cheeks? Bury her face in Anna's neck and smell her skin?
Does she get out of the temporal and seen and experience through You the eternal and unseen?
I can't see as she sees. I can only see what has been shown to me.
But Jesus, I see-
For a mother whose child is not with her on this earth or a child whose mother is not with her on this earth- our blessings are different.
Our blessings are seeing what You can and will do IN those that desire- yes, cannot even live without- You speaking truth and life and peace and eternal and unseen things into us.
As we experience eternal life in you- Your riches - blessings- are poured into us.
Even allowing us to SEE the ones we love that are in You.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
A Calm Morning and a Touch of Jesus
There is nothing like peace and calmness.
I'm sitting on the pool deck- the birds chirping and a light wind.
I love this time of year. The vibrant blue skies. The green green grass. The multi hues of the grass and trees.
And the smells! Honeysuckle and holly blooms.
What I feel by these sounds, and smells, and the touching of the wind- takes me back in time.
Always always to my mom. These things make me think of her.
Back to the farm. To a clean house. To the garden and the smell of fresh, overturned earth. To clothes hanging on the line- clean, air-dried sheets.
I think there, on the farm and in that time of her life, she felt peace in her soul, probably the only time in her life that she did.
My mom. Although I do not look like her, I find my self very much like her. We liked the same things (all listed above) and we dealt with the same issues.
The only difference was she found healing for all if her "issues" in the literal arms of Jesus, on April 28, 1979. She was 39.
I found healing in Jesus, for my issues, at 38. But I have yet seen him face-to-face.
Yet, yet. I have. I have beheld Him. I can't imagine Him being any closer or more intimate than He already is.
As glorious as He is to me now, I can't imagine it, but He will be more so to me- when I look into His eye on that day.
Oh Jesus. You give us but a touch, overwhelming and encompassing touch, of You now- life, joy, healing and PEACE- but to know there is MORE!
Oh wow! Can I handle much more then?
Precious Jesus. Thank You!
Monday, May 12, 2014
My friends FB status....
We have all suffered. We have all endured disappointments or pain....or we will. It is heart breaking that many Christians do not know how to give those hurts to the Lord and allow Him to heal the hurts. It is a process that I am still learning and it takes a great deal of trust....but He is trustworthy! If we don't give the hurts to Him, we will try to manage those hurts another way......but it won't work.....and, in that, we will continue to suffer and we will continue to hurt others. We don't judge perfectly and we don't know the full story - EVER. I am sorry for the hurts I have caused others out of my own hurts and issues. I am grieved that, as Christians, we try to control our behavior rather than allow Him to live thru us. it is the only way to peace and freedom.....and joy! Trusting Him to complete the work that He began......and He will........
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Bible Junkie..or maybe a Note Junkie?
Ok, I admit it. I am a Bible Junkie. I love Bibles. I have so many Bibles that I keep at my study nook that I use- to study regularly.
I also make LOTS of notes in them. Which is not really good considering I do not always have that Bible with me when I want to use the notes I've wrote in them.
In 2008 I "put my Bible up" because it became an idol to me. It was a Life Application Study Bible that I had bought before I was saved, 8 years before. I took it everywhere. It became God to me. Anyway...
A few months later, I bought NASB study Bible, after MUCH research. I liked it. I made a lot of notes in it. When Allison got married I had her name put on the cover and gave it to her for her wedding gift from me. Notes and all. I did make copies of all the notes though : )
Since then I've had several Bibles but none I really really liked. I prefer the NASB. I researched a good study Bible and the ONLY one I found that wasn't dual-natured in the notes was the Nelson Study Bible. It's a NKJV. I like it but....
I have the Charles Stanley NASB. I like it but there aren't many notes in it.
So...I don't really like the ESV or the notes in the ESV Bible I got.
I like it when a Bible capitalizes He for Jesus/God. I like it when there is a distinction when it speak of God and man.
So, for my birthday this year my kids bought me a side-by-side companion Bible. It has NIV, KJV, NASB and Amplified. I love it! But there isn't much for notes.
So, what to do???
Finally, it dawned on me this week! I have a 5x7 binder- and I copied all the notes from my Bibles and put them in my binder. Some of my favorite poems and sermons. I wanted something small to carry with my Bible. I don't just 'carry' a Bible. I put it in a bag (along with pens, paper, candy/gum, Kleenex, water)- I always have my bag with me!
I bought an adjustable hole punch and now I am ready! I can have my Bible and all my notes with me! : )
Well, amen!
I also make LOTS of notes in them. Which is not really good considering I do not always have that Bible with me when I want to use the notes I've wrote in them.
In 2008 I "put my Bible up" because it became an idol to me. It was a Life Application Study Bible that I had bought before I was saved, 8 years before. I took it everywhere. It became God to me. Anyway...
A few months later, I bought NASB study Bible, after MUCH research. I liked it. I made a lot of notes in it. When Allison got married I had her name put on the cover and gave it to her for her wedding gift from me. Notes and all. I did make copies of all the notes though : )
Since then I've had several Bibles but none I really really liked. I prefer the NASB. I researched a good study Bible and the ONLY one I found that wasn't dual-natured in the notes was the Nelson Study Bible. It's a NKJV. I like it but....
I have the Charles Stanley NASB. I like it but there aren't many notes in it.
So...I don't really like the ESV or the notes in the ESV Bible I got.
I like it when a Bible capitalizes He for Jesus/God. I like it when there is a distinction when it speak of God and man.
So, for my birthday this year my kids bought me a side-by-side companion Bible. It has NIV, KJV, NASB and Amplified. I love it! But there isn't much for notes.
So, what to do???
Finally, it dawned on me this week! I have a 5x7 binder- and I copied all the notes from my Bibles and put them in my binder. Some of my favorite poems and sermons. I wanted something small to carry with my Bible. I don't just 'carry' a Bible. I put it in a bag (along with pens, paper, candy/gum, Kleenex, water)- I always have my bag with me!
I bought an adjustable hole punch and now I am ready! I can have my Bible and all my notes with me! : )
Well, amen!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Dream Days....
Today has been a dream of a day! It's one of those rare days that I get. I'm off from work. : )
Did my usual morning chores- bed made up, dishes, started laundry.
And I ran 7.5 miles- 60+ degrees and a little wind to cool me down!
I even, kind of, got in the pool!
Talked to Karen on the phone.
Push mowed the yard and my garden- well, trim what others won't get with a riding mower.
Fixed BREAKFAST! Bacon, eggs and toast!
Now, I'm going to finish trimming, work on laundry, unload the dish washer, decide on supper.
Oh I love days like this.
It's a dream day.
: )
Did my usual morning chores- bed made up, dishes, started laundry.
And I ran 7.5 miles- 60+ degrees and a little wind to cool me down!
I even, kind of, got in the pool!
Talked to Karen on the phone.
Push mowed the yard and my garden- well, trim what others won't get with a riding mower.
Fixed BREAKFAST! Bacon, eggs and toast!
Now, I'm going to finish trimming, work on laundry, unload the dish washer, decide on supper.
Oh I love days like this.
It's a dream day.
: )
In 2007 my Dad's dog had a litter of puppies. Cody immediately fell in love with one. After much convincing Nick let us bring Sebastian home (Cody named him).
We built him a good size pen- and he barked all night. I couldn't handle it, so I brought him in.
He has been in ever since!
Of course, he had parvo- so $1000 later, his life was saved.
Then a couple years later, he got very sick- still don't know why- and $1000 later, he got better!
He is my runner dog. He LOVES to run! I take him to the trails unleashed and he runs like a deer! He is beautiful to watch!
I leash him and he runs the road with me. We are a good team.
Last weekend, while Nick and I were gone Cody accidentally squirted Dawn dish liquid in his eye (something about Sebe was trying to get in the garbage and Cody was doing dishes...IDK!). All our kids and friends tried washing the eye out with water. Then we called Connie and she suggested Visine, but not the red-eye. They tried that and once we got home, we did too.
But still no better. So yesterday, off the the vet. $200 later, and a dog that was sedated....and 2 meds we have to put in his eye- we hope he is on the mend.
Poor dog!!!!
We built him a good size pen- and he barked all night. I couldn't handle it, so I brought him in.
He has been in ever since!
Of course, he had parvo- so $1000 later, his life was saved.
Then a couple years later, he got very sick- still don't know why- and $1000 later, he got better!
He is my runner dog. He LOVES to run! I take him to the trails unleashed and he runs like a deer! He is beautiful to watch!
I leash him and he runs the road with me. We are a good team.
Last weekend, while Nick and I were gone Cody accidentally squirted Dawn dish liquid in his eye (something about Sebe was trying to get in the garbage and Cody was doing dishes...IDK!). All our kids and friends tried washing the eye out with water. Then we called Connie and she suggested Visine, but not the red-eye. They tried that and once we got home, we did too.
But still no better. So yesterday, off the the vet. $200 later, and a dog that was sedated....and 2 meds we have to put in his eye- we hope he is on the mend.
Poor dog!!!!
Happy Graduation Day and Happy BIRTH DAY!
Happy Graduation Day, Mrs Jenny Green Trotter! Graduating from Clemson University with a degree in Industrial Engineering! WHOA! That's a degree! I am super proud of your accomplishments! I love you, am praying for you and looking forward to seeing you grow more and more in all ways! May Jesus be the Center of who you are in all ways!
Happy day of birth to Miss Bayleigh Hope Sitman- today the daughter of Heather Ledbetter Sitman and Josh Sitman will be born! May you, sweet girl, grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Happy day of birth to Miss Bayleigh Hope Sitman- today the daughter of Heather Ledbetter Sitman and Josh Sitman will be born! May you, sweet girl, grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
A Mom's Dream Come True!
I was VERY surprised because she ran up two hills and 1.3 miles without stopping! I am so proud of her! I can't wait to see what she can REALLY do!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Just a question....
Why do Christians believe human beings or babies become angels when they die?
NO WHERE in Scripture does it say that.
We are human beings. They are angels. We were created in God's image. They were not.
Human beings do not die and become angels. Angels do not become human beings.
NO WHERE in Scripture does it say that.
We are human beings. They are angels. We were created in God's image. They were not.
Human beings do not die and become angels. Angels do not become human beings.
Well, I have a funny feeling (namely fatigue and heart-racing) that my ferritin levels are low again. Last time I was diagnosed with this was November of 2012. I had the oddest symptoms:
fatigue- dragging myself around about 3pm
racing heart/shortness of breath
burning eyes
my stomach upset a lot
and I just couldn't seem to focus and concentrate, zombie-like
Those were the main symptoms. When I went to the doctor he did blood work and sure enough- low ferritin levels.
I am having most of those same symptoms again. I haven't kept up with my vitamins lately : ( Yes, I know. My fault.
So, I started back on the 'comfort iron' tonight. Let's get this party started!
Here is a a great page on Ferritin:
fatigue- dragging myself around about 3pm
racing heart/shortness of breath
burning eyes
my stomach upset a lot
and I just couldn't seem to focus and concentrate, zombie-like
Those were the main symptoms. When I went to the doctor he did blood work and sure enough- low ferritin levels.
I am having most of those same symptoms again. I haven't kept up with my vitamins lately : ( Yes, I know. My fault.
So, I started back on the 'comfort iron' tonight. Let's get this party started!
Here is a a great page on Ferritin:
Monday, May 5, 2014
Wow, was I blessed!
Nick and I went home to Kentucky over the weekend. We had a great time!
Saturday Dad and I started the day out early- going to the cemetery, yes we do that, almost every time I go home. All my people are buried there. It's kind of like honoring their memory and my family- the people I come from.
Then we drove down Apostolic Road- yes...that's it's real name. But we call it, Postolic- It wasn't until the last few months I figured out what the name mean't!
And we toured the parsonage they are building.
We picked up Karen and Baron then spent the day on the road. Dad drove us to the Amish- I visited 3 stores. I got herbs and vegetables for my garden. I got some of the things I can't get here: powdered chicken broth, dried red peppers and some gluten free flour (just in case Nick's has a food allergy to gluten, we will know this week).
We went to visit my older sister, Sis. Her grand daughter Addy and grandson Bryson, were there. I got to share with Sis some things about Mom. I pray for my sister.
Then we drove all over the country. We saw quilt blocks on barns, fields of canola- beautiful, rolling hills of yellow. Dad bought two border collie puppies! He named them Bo and Luke! LOL So cute!
Then we stopped at an OLD TIME grocery, Mintonville Grocery, where some old family friends had opened it up- with a small restaurant inside, and the original interior! It was wonderful!
Then on to Dad's where my sister Tina and her grand daughters were waiting for us. Maleeha, Laniya and Hazlee. They helped me dig up LOTS of dandelion roots!
We feasted on FRESH turkey my brother-in-law, Barry killed just that morning!
My younger sister Tabitha and her two boys- Kyler and Brody were there also.
I woke up Sunday morning with VERTIGO!!! head was rolling around! I finally got up and went outside for a bit. My head seemed to clear some.
I was able to go to gather with the church-body and that is where I was so blessed!
Here we are at a small (less than 35 people there) country church-body in south-central Kentucky and the preacher, Brother Darrell- eloquently and beautifully lead us through the Scriptures about:
our old corrupted sinful man is dead and through Christ we have a new inner man
take off the old man and put on the new
holiness is our ID (identity)
we are secure
we are no longer slaves of sin, sin is not our master
we are servants of righteousness
we can reject man-made doctrines of holiness but not's Christ's holiness
it's our profit and God's glory to identify with our holiness
who is your hope in?
which highway are you on? Isaiah 35:8
"hope so, guess so, and maybe so" is not the highway to be on
These are all the verses he used:
1 Thess 4:7
Eph 4:24
Romans 6:19, 22
1 Thess 3:11-13
2 Thess 2:13
1 Thess 4:8
Acts 23:9
Titus 2:3
Heb 12:10
Isaiah 35:8
It was wonderful! He was very well spoken and spoke well! I told him afterward it was the best sermon I had ever heard him preach! He actually looked embarrassed!
I kept turning around to look at Nick! I couldn't believe it!
Here he is- a bi-vocational pastor. Of a tiny church-body. He is in his 60's. He has been there for years. For years he would not accept any pay. Then the Nazarene denomination MADE him accept some. But my dad thinks he puts it right back into the church. He drives from another county every Sunday- twice a day. He was a road crew supervisor for years. Last I heard he was a security guard at a college. He is not afraid to preach the truth in love. I saw humbleness and kindness in him yesterday, Here is a man that has NEVER had ANY formal education- except through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
One woman (my cousin, actually, of course) whose daughter is in the hospital in Ohio came to the front of the church- the whole church-body gathered around her while Brother Darrell anointed her with oil. Everyone prayed over her- not silently but all at once. Amen.
Brother Darrell is not controlled by people. Nor money. He allows the Holy Spirit to lead him. Sometimes where it hurts. But first, he is humble enough to allow the Lord to lead him.
Amen and amen. I wonder, does this little church-body realize they have the REAL DEAL?
Saturday Dad and I started the day out early- going to the cemetery, yes we do that, almost every time I go home. All my people are buried there. It's kind of like honoring their memory and my family- the people I come from.
Then we drove down Apostolic Road- yes...that's it's real name. But we call it, Postolic- It wasn't until the last few months I figured out what the name mean't!
And we toured the parsonage they are building.
We picked up Karen and Baron then spent the day on the road. Dad drove us to the Amish- I visited 3 stores. I got herbs and vegetables for my garden. I got some of the things I can't get here: powdered chicken broth, dried red peppers and some gluten free flour (just in case Nick's has a food allergy to gluten, we will know this week).
We went to visit my older sister, Sis. Her grand daughter Addy and grandson Bryson, were there. I got to share with Sis some things about Mom. I pray for my sister.
Then we drove all over the country. We saw quilt blocks on barns, fields of canola- beautiful, rolling hills of yellow. Dad bought two border collie puppies! He named them Bo and Luke! LOL So cute!
Then we stopped at an OLD TIME grocery, Mintonville Grocery, where some old family friends had opened it up- with a small restaurant inside, and the original interior! It was wonderful!
Then on to Dad's where my sister Tina and her grand daughters were waiting for us. Maleeha, Laniya and Hazlee. They helped me dig up LOTS of dandelion roots!
We feasted on FRESH turkey my brother-in-law, Barry killed just that morning!
My younger sister Tabitha and her two boys- Kyler and Brody were there also.
I woke up Sunday morning with VERTIGO!!! head was rolling around! I finally got up and went outside for a bit. My head seemed to clear some.
I was able to go to gather with the church-body and that is where I was so blessed!
Here we are at a small (less than 35 people there) country church-body in south-central Kentucky and the preacher, Brother Darrell- eloquently and beautifully lead us through the Scriptures about:
our old corrupted sinful man is dead and through Christ we have a new inner man
take off the old man and put on the new
holiness is our ID (identity)
we are secure
we are no longer slaves of sin, sin is not our master
we are servants of righteousness
we can reject man-made doctrines of holiness but not's Christ's holiness
it's our profit and God's glory to identify with our holiness
who is your hope in?
which highway are you on? Isaiah 35:8
"hope so, guess so, and maybe so" is not the highway to be on
These are all the verses he used:
1 Thess 4:7
Eph 4:24
Romans 6:19, 22
1 Thess 3:11-13
2 Thess 2:13
1 Thess 4:8
Acts 23:9
Titus 2:3
Heb 12:10
Isaiah 35:8
It was wonderful! He was very well spoken and spoke well! I told him afterward it was the best sermon I had ever heard him preach! He actually looked embarrassed!
I kept turning around to look at Nick! I couldn't believe it!
Here he is- a bi-vocational pastor. Of a tiny church-body. He is in his 60's. He has been there for years. For years he would not accept any pay. Then the Nazarene denomination MADE him accept some. But my dad thinks he puts it right back into the church. He drives from another county every Sunday- twice a day. He was a road crew supervisor for years. Last I heard he was a security guard at a college. He is not afraid to preach the truth in love. I saw humbleness and kindness in him yesterday, Here is a man that has NEVER had ANY formal education- except through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
One woman (my cousin, actually, of course) whose daughter is in the hospital in Ohio came to the front of the church- the whole church-body gathered around her while Brother Darrell anointed her with oil. Everyone prayed over her- not silently but all at once. Amen.
Brother Darrell is not controlled by people. Nor money. He allows the Holy Spirit to lead him. Sometimes where it hurts. But first, he is humble enough to allow the Lord to lead him.
Amen and amen. I wonder, does this little church-body realize they have the REAL DEAL?
Friday, May 2, 2014
Grace Girls
Patricia and I put together a PACKED 4 week study we entitled, "Grace Girls".
Last night was our last night. It was wonderful. It is such a blessing to be able to share Who God is and who we are because of Him. These truth totally changed my life 5+ years ago...and He continues to speak Himself into me, moment by moment:
Week One: *Our concept of God (where we get it) and Who God really is,
*Our worth to God
Week Two: *How God created man,
*How we are created anew after we believe in Jesus (I'm was a sinner saved by grace, now I am a saint who sometimes sins) That OLD SINFUL INNER MAN has been crucified with Christ, and a NEW RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY INNER MAN has raised with Him! And He lives in my new man! I am a completely NEW creation- one that has never existed before!
*How we are created anew after we believe in Jesus (I'm was a sinner saved by grace, now I am a saint who sometimes sins) That OLD SINFUL INNER MAN has been crucified with Christ, and a NEW RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY INNER MAN has raised with Him! And He lives in my new man! I am a completely NEW creation- one that has never existed before!
*Two aspects of the Cross-
-Saved from my sins (deals with behavior) He is our Substitution
-Saved from my self (deals with my identity) I am united with Him
-Saved from my sins (deals with behavior) He is our Substitution
-Saved from my self (deals with my identity) I am united with Him
Week Three: *God-given needs (Love Acceptance Worth Security/Significance Truth) everyone is born with but only God can fill.
*Flesh- trying to get those needs met apart from God. -flesh patterns, coping mechanisms, learned habits and behaviors
*What are our specific flesh patterns and how did we get them?
*Which tree are we living from? Two Trees
Week Four: *The Root Issue is an Identity Issue, Who am I?
*Love notes and Envelopes
*Truth vs Feelings
*Selfers Prayer
Kentucky Bound!
Tonight I am going home for the first time since Christmas!!!
Tonight I get to see my beloved Dad! He was here a month ago for my birthday...but I sure miss him and I miss the beautiful farm! Lovely weather expected!
Tonight I get to see my beloved Dad! He was here a month ago for my birthday...but I sure miss him and I miss the beautiful farm! Lovely weather expected!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
May Day!
I haven't ran all week! I walked 4 miles with Sebastian on Monday. I rode the stationary bike 6.5 miles on Tuesday.
That's it!
And I am really pleased with my time. But boy does the sciatic on my right leg hurt!!!! The faster I run the more pain.
Well amen! My thorn in the flesh!
Thy Hidden Ones by Jessie Penn-Lewis, 1899
Song of Soloman 7:12 There will I give Thee my love
It is blessed to see this hidden one is growing in the knowledge of her Lord. There was so much of "me" and "my" in those early days (SOS 2:3-6).
Then it was, "My Beloved is unto me" (1:14).
Now she say, "There will I give Thee my love"; in effect, "Give the love Thou hast implanted in me back to Thee, by pouring it out of those for whom Thou hast died". "Unto the least of these My brethren...unto Me" (Matthew 25:40), the Master said. In binding up the broken-hearted with His word of healing, in proclaiming His liberty to the captives, in comforting all that mourn with the comfort of God, her life is love; and love-His love-is satisified!
She has learned to be "at home" in the sanctuary of His Presence everywhere. "There" in the midst of ceaseless service, He is with her, and "there", in pouring out to thirsty hearts she gives Him to drink.
It is blessed to see this hidden one is growing in the knowledge of her Lord. There was so much of "me" and "my" in those early days (SOS 2:3-6).
Then it was, "My Beloved is unto me" (1:14).
Now she say, "There will I give Thee my love"; in effect, "Give the love Thou hast implanted in me back to Thee, by pouring it out of those for whom Thou hast died". "Unto the least of these My brethren...unto Me" (Matthew 25:40), the Master said. In binding up the broken-hearted with His word of healing, in proclaiming His liberty to the captives, in comforting all that mourn with the comfort of God, her life is love; and love-His love-is satisified!
She has learned to be "at home" in the sanctuary of His Presence everywhere. "There" in the midst of ceaseless service, He is with her, and "there", in pouring out to thirsty hearts she gives Him to drink.
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