Saturday, February 23, 2013

Abiding in Christ

You know, God allows the very thing in our life that keeps us abiding- trusting and resting- in Christ.  Paul was given a "frailty" that made him say, "I can't".  (2 Corinthians 12).  So have you.  And me.

We are told to SAVE, to FUND our retirement.  But what happens when we have a sickness in our family? Or a job loss?  What happens when the savings are gone? What happens if we have to take the money out of our retirement just to eat and pay our mortgage?

Nick and I went through a job loss several years ago.  It took him 11 months to find a regular job.  We went a long time without health insurance.  But God.  Did we EVER go without?  NO!  We did not.   Ever.  He constantly provided money to pay our bills- we were never late on anything.  He constantly provided food to eat.  Everything we NEEDED- He provided.  And some things we didn't need!  Our pastor and church family- absolutely stepped in and allowed God to give through them.  He ministered through them, to us.

Since then, every time we think- WOW- we might actually get to save some money- something comes up.  Usually our cars tear up.  Or our daughter gets married!  We just SQUEAK by.  But God.  He allows the very thing that keeps us abiding.

For us, it's money.  I guess if we have too much, we'd trust in our selves and not in Him.  And He is God, He knows what we would do!  He is All-Knowing!  So, He says, "I just want to keep you close to Me.  Trusting in Me.  Resting in Me.  Abiding in Me.  I want to keep us in intimate oneness."  Well, Amen.  So do I.

In this life things are temporary.  But in Christ things are eternal and unseen.  I want to live in Christ, in the eternal and unseen things.  I want to live by faith- sure of what I hope for (Christ to be my Life, my All-in All, my Center) and certain of what I do not see.  Even though I may not see a way through or out, I know the Way.

In Revelation 2:17 , Jesus says,
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.’"

I think my new name might be "all things".  

Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

My hearts desire to love Him fully and completely, with all that I am.  He will work all things to my good (even though to this world it may not seem or look "good").  He is and goes before me.  He hold me together.

Now, isn't that something?  Isn't that wonderful?  Who could ask or want more than that?

Thank You, for loving me.  Thank You for holding me together.  Thank You for doing whatever it takes to keep me abiding, trusting and resting in You and You alone. I love You.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Little Ways

Daffodils always remind me of my Mom. Every spring we would walk up to our neighbors and picked armfuls of daffodils from their field.

I love daffodils. They always bloom around Nicks birthday, here in SC. They bloom around my birthday in Ky.

They come just in time to say, "Spring is coming!"

To me, it's the little things that make our house- our home. Daffodils in vases around the home and fresh clean sheets, line-dried ALWAYS say, "I love you. I want you to enjoy the precious moments in life."

And yes, daffodils and clean sheets are a precious part of life. They remind us of simplicity and enjoyment. Calming and comforting.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy 44th Birthday Nick!

For my beloved's 44th birthday, we got snow!  Yes, yesterday a little snow storm blew through for about an hour and just dumped the beautiful white stuff all over!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I am posting a picture if my journal. It's a rainy and cold day today and as I was praying in my journal- I began to look back to precious times sharing with Jesus.

I was reminded that it is Jesus, the Good Shepherd that carries me- and Nick- and our children. Isaiah 40:11. He gathers us and carries us.

Our family is beginning two new journeys very soon. Nick, 44 tomorrow, will begin a new job- a job he has been waiting and trusting God for- for a long time. One day I will write about Nick and his life journey, especially the last 4.5 years.

And our dear Ben- our beloved son-in-love will begin a new job!

I will give more details at another time but I am so thankful to God for this journey that we are all on- as He leads and carries us.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Seeing God

Last night at White Pines one of the boys- Malik S. said, "So this is really real?"

I know it's hard to understand how God always was. No one created Him. He has no mother or father. Yet He is Father and Son and Holy Spirit. In One.

"So God really speaks to you? You really hear Him?"

Yes. He does and I do. For real. He is absolutely the most real thing in my life.

I could SEE God speaking the Truth of Himself into this young man. In that moment only Malik, God and me were the only ones in the room. Everything else faded away as God spoke into him. I didn't know what to say so in my spirit I asked God to be my Wisdom and speak through me. He did.

Father, thank You for allowing me to See You reveal Yourself to Malik. I will always cherish this honor. I love You.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Same Love by Paul Baloche

The Same Love by Paul Baloche

You chose the humble and raised them high
You chose the weak and made them strong
You heal our brokenness inside and give us life

The same love that set the captives free
The same love that opened eyes to see
Is calling us all by name, 

You are calling us all by name
The same God that spread the heavens wide
The same God that was crucified
Is calling us all by name, 

You are calling us all by name
You take the faithless one aside
And speak the words "You are mine"
You call the cynic and the proud, "Come to Me now"

The same love that set the captives free
The same love that opened eyes to see

Is calling us all by name, 
You are calling us all by name
The same God that spread the heavens wide
The same God that was crucified
Is calling us all by name, 

You are calling us all by name
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

You're calling, You're calling
You're calling us to the cross

The same love that set the captives free
The same love that opened eyes to see
Is calling us all by name, 

You are calling us all by name
The same God that spread the heavens wide
The same God that was crucified
Is calling us all by name, 

You are calling us all by name
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

31 Apron

I love 31!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Cleaning houses and offices sometimes require a weird work schedule for me. Today was one of those days.

I ran 4 miles this morning, was at work by 10- worked until 3:30. Came home and went to work again at 5, cleaning a couple of offices- until 10.

It sure feels good to shower and crawl into bed. But, you know, I do enjoy a hard days work. Sometimes it just feels good. I am so thankful to be able to work and to have a job.

Thank You, Lord!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

New view!

When we built our bathroom on I sprayed a coating on the window so the light could still come in but no one could see in! But since the little area has become my study/quiet time area, I miss looking out. So I scraped all the coating off and now I have a view! Nick and I are going to go to Walmart and get a roll shade so we can pull it down for privacy. We have an open shower and surely don't want anyone looking in!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Studying John 15

I am studying John 15:1-11, during my study I've came across this saying:
"Unfruitful branches are lifted out of the dirt and re-dressed so they can be nourished by the Son. Sticking with that metaphor, the reason why some Christians are barren is that they are face down in the dirt and not looking at the Son. They are busy, distracted, stressed, and have wandered from their primary love. " - Paul Ellis


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why me?

Why not me?

"God's school of discipleship has some very elaborate and tailor-made courses to bring about the great revelation that Christ is in us."

Again, from My Weakness for His Strength by Michael Wells.

With Him or In Him

From the devotional "My Weakness for His Strength" by Michael Wells.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Be a parent!

The goal is not to be your kids friend, but a parent!

Tea Time!

Having tea with Allison (and Cody) on this cold Saturday evening!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Counter tops

I thought I'd post a picture of our new counter tops and paint!


Isn't she a cutie????


     This church sign was on our way to White Pines detention camp for teenage boys. I thought it was pretty cool!  

"I just read this morning that most Christians find it easier to believe that God exists than God loves them."- from Will G.  

    How true...and sad...we must share the truth...

                 ......HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH!