Friday, December 29, 2017

Endings and Beginings

So here we are, the end of another year. To some this has been a super great year. To some your life was completely turned inside out and upside down. To some it was another year in the books- not bad but not exceptional.
No matter the year you have had- can you see Jesus in the year? Can you feel and see Him in your daily life? Can you feel Him holding you close to Him? Oh that dear Good Shepherd of ours. Always near. Always drawn to us. He knows where we are and He is right with us.
I always sit down and read through my journal through the year. And then I write down my prayers and hopes for the next year. Usually I ask God to reveal to me what I can pray for the following year. In 2016 it was "enjoy Me". So I did, I set aside a lot of things just to spend time with Jesus and enjoy Him. In 2017 He told me to "enjoy others." I had no idea what He had in store but Patricia and I taught 4 Growing in Grace life-changing studies. I enjoyed fellowship with 50-60 women in the course of the year through those studies.
It is now that I begin to ask Him about 2018. I had originally thought I would take the year off teaching and focus on discipleship counseling. But God had other plans. I was honored when our associate pastor/Sunday school teacher, Joe, asked Rod and me to teach with him throughout the year through the book of Acts. Goodness. That is quite a challenge for me. Joe and Rod are both excellent teachers and to be able to teach with them- I am so, nervous-thankful-etc. I look forward to the time of intimate study and fellowship with the Lord as I prepare.
Another friend unexpectedly asked me to read some of her material (gosh I can't wait to go into more detail!) and again I am so so so honored! I was reading through just the first session on my way here to Ky for Christmas and I can't wait to session two! You know how your heart just sings within you? You feel all bubbling inside like joy is going to burst right out of your bones? Yeah, that's how I feel! God is speaking. All we have to do is INVITE HIM IN ; )
One thing that does keeping popping up around me is "the Cross of Christ". How God allowed an instrument of torture and death- made from material He spoke into existence, wood from a tree- to not only take the life of His Son but excruciatingly wring out His Life and Blood- so that I won't have to suffer and die for/from my own sins. The cross of Christ was also a door into which I can enter life. I can't have true, eternal life until I pass through the door of Life, and I can only pass through the door of life by BEING IN the Door and the Life.
I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.- John 10:9
I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.- John 11:25-26
Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.- John 14:6
This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.- John 17:3
Romans 6
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself or me.
Isn't that amazing?
How about you? Have you taken the time to sit quietly with Him and asked Him to speak to you and prepare you for 2018? It will be a wonderful way to end this year and begin the next.
I pray you experience deep and abiding love and intimacy with our intimate, loving, abiding Father and His Son, Jesus Christ each and every day.


No matter where we go- I am always the first one to get up. I love the quietness of wherever we happen to be. Make a cup of coffee and enjoy my surroundings.
This morning, a chilly 12 degrees, but the house is so warm- I don't even have socks on!- because of the outdoor wood furnace (stove) Barry and Karen have.
I look out on the same fields I woke up to as a child. Karen's house sits where our old house, which I grew up in, sit.
I love watching the sun rise. See the cows, hear the roosters. See what changes Barry has made to the farm. I love coming home. I love having my children (and now, their children) here with me. I love that because Karen and Barry bought our childhood farm all those years ago my kids have, in a sense, grew up where I grew up.
There's just something about continuity. We don't really see that a whole lot anymore. The same people living on the same place they grew up. I feel very blessed because my sister's family has done that and I get to share in that.
This place is always home to me. My family is home. Even though I live so far away (really, after 25 years 6 hours isn't THAT far!)- we've always tried to give the kids a sense that Kentucky is also HOME. I hope they always feel that pull that I do.
I feel like my roots settle so deep here. Yet, I do also in our little home we've lived in for almost 25 years in Pauline,SC.
But I know this...ultimately, this is NOT my home. Jesus is my true Home. And I hope and pray all in all that my family will all be together when we pass out of this time that is created to the next realm. What a time of rejoicing that will be! I won't have to say goodbye and travel a long road anymore!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

You and I are the reason for the season!

During this time of year we see signs everywhere stating, "Jesus is the reason for the season." But the truth is YOU are the reason.  I am the reason.  

Jesus was born to die.  For you.  For me.  

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve chose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, thereby disobeying the ONE thing God told them not to do.  He had warned them that if they did eat from that tree there would be consequences, "In that day you shall surely die."  They had a unique relationship with their Creator.  They had intimate fellowship with Him.  Each day He would walk with them in the garden He had placed them in.  They had been formed by His very hands from the dust of the earth.  His very breath had been breathed into man and he became a living soul.  He created them from His very image.  He was intimately acquainted with all of their ways.  

Can you imagine how delighted He must have been to watch these two He so deeply loved, created in His image, His very breath within them, formed by His own hands?  Watching them explore and tend to the garden and the animals.  Watching  them get to know each other.  Enjoying their company each day.  He was walking, talking, teaching, loving and tending to them.  

And yet, He knew what was coming.  God is always, all knowing.  He is also always all prepared.

"In that day, you shall surely die."  Genesis 2:7

The very first act of independence from their loving Creator was when Eve saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. Adam willingly chose his relationship with Eve over God's when he took that fruit from her.   (Genesis 3:6)

"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked"- Genesis 3:7

Naked.  Before their disobedience they were naked and unshamed (Genesis 2:25) now they are so naked and ashamed they decided to go and sew fig leaves to cover their nakedness.  But the truth is nothing they could EVER do would cover their nakedness.  Nothing they could ever do would remove the shame.  They had disobeyed their loving Creator.  Now, there would be consequences.  That day.  

Their eyes were opened.  Can you imagine the feeling of loss inside of them?  Just moments before their spirits within them had been alive and joined to God's.  Now their spirit was dead and they were no longer intimately united with Him.  Separated.  Lost.  Empty.  Incomplete.  Deceived.  Independent.  Sinner!  Sinner!  Sinner!  Condemned!  Unholy!  Unrighteous!  

"Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned" Romans 5:12

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23

Through one act of disobedience- all separated from God.  
Through one act of obedience- all can be united to God, if we choose.- Romans 5

Jesus provided the act of obedience.  Death on the cross as payment for the penalty for sin.  God raised Him from the death.  Now, whoever believes in Him receives eternal life, His very life.  For we have much more than even Adam and Eve.  Adam and Eve were joined in their spirits to God before they sinned but He didn't live within them.  Throught Jesus death, burial, resurrection- He lives in us- Romans 6.  United!  Found!  Filled!  Complete!   Free!  Holy!  Righteous! 

You see- YOU are the reason He was born.  YOU are the reason He died.  YOU are the reason God rose Him from the dead.

YOU are the reason for the "season".  YOU are.  

Monday, December 18, 2017


When I was growing up I so often heard "time flies".  When I was in my teens it couldn't go by fast enough, I was ready to move on in life.  Then at 18, just a couple of months after graduating high school- Nick and I married, he was 19.  

Then came jobs, and a little home.  Just before I turned 20, a beautiful baby girl filled our hearts and our arms.  Before she turned 3, her little brother made his grand appearance.  And time marched on.  The days were long.  Babies, work, housework, diapers, bottles, runny noses, temper tantrums- sloppy kisses, hugs, "Mommy I wuv you."  

Then came the big move.  325 miles from all of our family.  To a little farmhouse in Pauline. We just about didn't make it.  Homesick. Missed my Dad.  Missed home.  Then surprise!  Baby #3, a little boy, made the family complete.

We buckled down.  We gotta make this work.  Homesick or not.  
Learned the lesson- HOME is my husband.  Wherever he is, home is.  

Next thing you know- they are all three in school.  Lovely little school a mile down the road.  

Then Jesus said, "Starla, you are not complete or whole without Me."
I said, "Jesus, I need you.  Would you make me complete?"

The greatest journey of my life.  OUR life changed in one year, 2000.

A marvelous journey.  Wonderful church families.  Growing in grace.  A family who loves Jesus. 

A little girl who loved carrying all kinds of bags around outside bossing her little brothers around.  Barefoot, and sassy.  

A little boy who dressed like Batman and got stuck on words.

Another little boy who loved to laugh and ended up with all the cuts and bumps- who adored being Robin to his big brother's Batman.  

Listening over and over to the thump of that basketball and the whirl of the rim.  

Always always always in church.  Youth group, our whole families favorite time.
Connie and Beas, thank You, Jesus.    

Years and years- miles and miles traveling 325 miles to Rheber, Ky- then back to Pauline, SC.  Family, sleeping on floors,- and couches.  To our lovely little home filled with family, friends, youth, peace, Jesus, food.  

22.5 years of school.

And time flies.  3 kindergarten graduations.  3 elementary school graduations.  10th anniversary.  
3 middle school graduations.  15th anniversary.  
3 high school graduations.  20th anniversary. 
1st college graduation.  A marriage.  We gain a son-in-love.  25th anniversary.
2nd college graduation, boy that boy of ours makes us proud!  
A grandson joins the family!  Rejoice! 
And in just 7 months, our 30th anniversary.

But before that...

Baby #3, the surprise, graduates college. Where did time go?

Yes, that's right.  
Johnie graduates college. 

Our third and final college graduation at University of South Carolina Upstate.  Talk about time flying and a huge lump in your throat.  Tears wanting to spill over for the quickness of the years and the immense thankfulness of this celebration.  

Johnie, we are so proud of you.  You are loyal.  You are consistent.  You are dedicated.  You love your family.  You love your church family.  You love Jesus.  What a pleasure it has been to watch you grow and mature- in all ways.  

Happy Graduation Day!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Warning: Venting

I truly do not know how some believers use other believers for financial, material, sympathetic or social gain.  

Why do believers think it's ok to use other believers?  Where is the humility among the church?   Where is the being a giver, not a receiver, among the church?  Why do believers always expect for others to do for them- and yet not do anything for others?  Why do some believers expect to be served and not serve others? I see so many believers out there ministering to others, living humbly.  But I also see a lot of believers- and it's all about them- financially, materially, emotionally and physically.  They actually take from the body of believers and not really giving to them.  

I guess, when I go to the Scriptures, and see Jesus- this is what I see:

He emptied Himself.
He humbled Himself.
He surrendered Himself, even from self-protection.
He didn't defend Himself.
He was rejected.
He had NO possessions.
He was unloved.
He was misunderstood.
He was weakened physically.
He gave us His right to be right.
He was stripped.
He was shamed.
He thwarted a rescue attempt.

He is also the Good Shepherd.  He is also lovingkindness.  He is also gentle.  He loves children.  He never used anyone for personal gain.  He never manipulated anyone.  

He knew the things of this world has NOTHING on what is to come.  

A lot of people call Matthew 5-7 the sermon on the mount.  But as Michael Wells says it's so much more- it's life on the mount.  The way, we as believers- whom Christ lives within- lives.  

It's not about gaining more worldly stuff.  It's about allowing Christ, who is my Life, live through me.  Believers today are told that we are successful if we have more stuff and do more things.  Friends, that's a lie.  

It's not about gaining worldly treasures.  It's about gaining heavenly gifts.  Those are the things that we have in this world and the next.  We WILL take with us.  The heavenly gifts are not the ones we keep for ourselves but give to others.

Jesus is our indescribable gift!  And all good gifts come from Him.  Justification, grace, redemption, righteousness, salvation.  

The Holy Spirit is a gift and He distributes His gifts- spiritual gifts.   

These gifts are giving NOT FOR OURSELF but the building up and edification OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, the CHURCH.  

1 Corinthians 12
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

Believers, we only have a short time on this earth- be who God created you anew to be.  Don't live for this world.  Live from Him.  

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Christmas, In Christ Alone

I'm sitting here writing in my journal just pouring my heart out to God.  Christmas is so hard.  So much planning.  Gifts, decorating, parties, church, food, giving- not to mention work and rearranging my work schedule for time off.  It's so so busy. Every day there is something I have to do.  I'm not one of those who "enjoy" Christmas.  It's so demanding.  By the time January gets here I am so thankful!  Relieved!  In need of rest!

Then 'In Christ Alone' comes on Pandora.  This is the time of year we celebrate Christ' birth.  Emmanuel, God with us.  Today Salvation has come.  The truth is we don't really know when Jesus was born.  Some think in September.  I tend to agree with that view.

It's just that nowadays Christmas isn't simple.  I have about 60 people on my Christmas list.  I feel so inadequate buying and giving gifts.  Even receiving them.  Because I know someone had to work hard, think, go shopping then wrap the gift.  When the truth is- I would just rather spend the evening with them eating and talking.  I'd rather have relationship than material things.  I DO appreciate that someone thinks enough of me to do that- and some are truly gift-givers and love to do so- but for those of us who are not- my goodness- it's tough on us.  And most of us already have everything we NEED or WANT- except spending time in fellowship with others.  I'm coming to understand how important that is in itself.  

In Christ Alone, Give Me Jesus, Where Your Love Ran Red

I feel busy and disconnected from You, Jesus.  My heart is crying out for intimacy.  

Am I ever going to enjoy the 'season'?  I've really tried to this year.  For the first time Nick and I went and got the tree on Wednesday.  We came home and put the lights on.  On Thursday the kids came to decorate- we had chili, pumpkin toffee poke cake and Lily brought peppermint bark!  For the first time BOTH boys had a girl here.  Johnie and Lily.  Cody and Morgan- and her daughter, Layla (2 in January.)  Allison, Ben and Roman.  Roman LOVED the fireplace!  He kept wanting to touch the fire.  That was a special night to me.  I'll post pics later.  : ) 

Jesus, calm this uneasiness in me.  Let me feel Your Presence.

I love You so much.  Thank You.  

Sunday, December 3, 2017


E’en for the dead I will not bind my soul to grief;
Death cannot long divide.
For is it not as though the rose that climbed my garden wall
Has blossomed on the other side?
Death does hide,
But not divide;
You are but on Christ’s other side!
You are with Christ, and Christ with me;
In Christ united still are we.

Streams in the Desert, December 3