Friday, October 28, 2016

Memories from October 27th (2014 and 2010)

The last couple of days....this has being going through my heart and mind:
When darkness seem to hide His face,
I rest in His unchanging grace.
Find rest, my soul, in Christ alone. 
Know His power, in quietness and trust.
I will be still, knowing You are God.
Sometimes the way is lonely,
Is steep and filled with pain,
And if you sky is dark and pours the rain-
Then cry to Jesus.
Cry to Jesus.
Cry to Jesus and live.

I've been studying for my lesson tomorrow night at White Pines and did you know that Jesus spoke about His Father 148 times? John 14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.

This is the way...walk in it....

via Leslie Nease
"There seems to be something threatening about a devout person of any faith to non-believers. It's as though a mirror is being held up to their faults. They feel judged. Whenever an individual closer to life's idea state comes in contact with those drifting farther away - a physically fit person in a room of smokers, a mentally balanced person speaking with someone fragmented and dysfunctional - that person is quietly scorned as a reminder of imperfection. Thus the universal dislike for those seeking a higher plane. Mankind, by its very nature, is an imperfect animal. It's easier to revel in imperfection and mock those taking the bold step towards improvement than to actually attempt the step." -Mark Burnett, Survivor Producer

Matthew 9:22 "But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.” At once the woman was made well." Thank You, Jesus, for making me well, whole and complete.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hidden by United Pursuit

There was one when I was young
Who knew my heart
He knew my sorrow
He held my hand
And he lead me to trust him
Now I am hidden
In the safety of your love
I trust your heart and your intentions
Trust you completely
I’m listening intently
You’ll guide me through these many shadows
As I grow
And as I change
May I love you more deeply
I will lean upon your grace
I will reap because your goodness is unending
You are my vision
My reason for living
Your kindness leads me to repentance
I can’t explain it
This sweet assurance
But I’ve never known this kind of friend
I can’t explain it
This sweet assurance
But I’ve never known this kind of friend
The sun, moon, and stars
Shout your name
They give you reverence
And I will do the same
With all my heart I give you glory
The sun, moon, and stars
Shout your name
They give you reverence
And I will do the same
With all my heart I give you glory
I want to seek you first
I want to love you more
I want to give you the honor you deserve
So I bow before you
I am overcome by the beauty of this perfect love
I want to seek you first
I want to love you more
I want to give you the honor you deserve
So I bow before you
I am overcome by the beauty of this perfect love
Now I am hidden
In the safety of your love
I trust your heart and your intentions
Trust you completely
I’m listening intently
You’ll guide me through these many shadows
Now I am hidden
In the safety of your love
I trust your heart and your intentions
Trust you completely
I’m listening intently
You’ll guide me through these many shadows

Monday, October 24, 2016


October 24, 2015
One year ago today Nick and I found out we were going to be grandparents! 
October 24, 2014
The great secret of success that has been concealed from the majority of Christians far too long is this: Christian growth is simply accepting what we have always had from the beginning, from the first day we gave our life to Christ! And this simple life- the victorious life- will be experienced only through the abiding life.
Abundant life is not something we work for, but rather is something given to be worked from. My acceptance is not based on what I do but rather what I am. Abundant life does not require that I imitate Jesus but rather that I participate in His life; it does not require that I work to believe, but that I work BECAUSE I believe. Be assured of this: If the abundant Christian life requires great determination, self-will, intellect, talent, and ability, then we are all too weak, blind, and stupid to ever arrive. - Michael Wells, Sidetracked in the Wilderness
Life= Jesus

October 24, 2011
Not the labor of my hands, can fulfill Thy law's demands. Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross, I cling.- from the great hymn, Rock of Ages, wrote in 1763.
When (God) wants anything done, He takes up men who have come to the end of themselves, whose confidence is not in themselves, but in Him." ~Quote by H.A. Ironside (via Beliefchangers)

And here we are....5 years later!

Today Allison Nichelle Ellison and I are going shopping for her wedding dress. A beautiful white dress that my daughter has waited years to wear. I am so proud of her, of the woman that she is, of her patience and determination to become the woman God created and purposed her to be. Allison, I know you've been through some tough times through the years. I know you've had to let go of some seemingly good things for what is now to you, the GREATER. You've spent four years in a college you didn't want to go to but have NO COLLEGE DEBT. As a matter of fact, they give YOU money back! You've always held a job, bought your own car, paid your own expenses. You have held firmly to the truth of who you are and God's best plans for you. I've always said, you are a bolder person than I could ever be. The easy road is not always the best road. Sometimes the best road is the hardest and most challenging because it is there that you learn from WHO and from WHERE your Hope, Joy, Peace, Love, Courage, Strength, Patience and Kindness come from- Jesus. Psalm 37:7 Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him;

Looking for Jesus

"If you've been looking for Jesus other than where He lives, then you have been looking in the wrong place.
Now, where does He live?"
- Mike Wells

Thursday, October 20, 2016

7 years ago...still true.

There are occasions in our life when events make absolutely no sense. The loss of a job,a serious illness,other aspects of my life may tempt me to cry out,"Why, God?". In every instance,God has already established a divine plan that will carry me through any challenge I may experience. I am simply to seek out the good that lies at the heart of any adversity. My life is in the care of God- I trust in divine order.-DW

Friday, October 14, 2016


"The truth is you and I are in control of only two things - 
how we prepare for what might happen and 
how we respond to what just happened. 
The moment when things actually do happen belongs to God. "
-Devon Franklin

Thursday, October 13, 2016

5 years ago

Our lives are one long process of encountering trials, initially wondering what to do, rallying our resources to fix the problem, failing, and eventually yielding the whole thing to Christ, seeing Him in it, and praising Him no matter what. Embrace the process, I always say. It is for our great good, for trials bring us back to that place of dependence on Him where we live abundantly and joyfully. The process is the division of soul and spirit in order that we might more easily recognize the tricky flesh and flee once again to that place of letting the soul feed from the Holy Spirit and not the world. This process hurts, and the resolution requires death to self in ways we did not even know we needed. The fruit afterward is sweet, however, and makes life once again worth living.- Betty Wells

My take on where America is today.....

In 1993 when Bill Clinton (until 2001) went into office I was 23 years old.
Nick and I had been married almost 5 years.
We had two children.
I wasn't one bit concerned about politics.
I could have cared less.
But even I knew NAFTA wasn't a good idea.
Even I knew jobs would leave America.

Something happened to me by the time it came to vote for another president. I had grown up. I began to be concerned about the next 4 years and the next 8 years.

Then in 2001 we were attacked. Bush spent the next 8 years trying to keep America safe.

Now here I am- 46 years old and I am deeply concerned about the next 8 years. I am deeply concerned about the next 50 years.

I really don't think the younger generation, just like us, doesn't think about the future. I hope they wake up soon.

8 years ago when Obama took office our health insurance was about $50 a week and it was really good.
NOW you are penalized if you don't have health insurance.
And now the family insurance is $193 a week with an $8000 deductible and a 60% copay.
Nick and I opted out of regular health insurance and went with Christian Healthcare Ministries.

Our country sure has changed the last 8 years. It just doesn't feel safe. It doesn't feel united. And since I was 23, it's a very very different country.

I am very concerned about the next 8 years. I love America but I am so sad for the path she has taken. I'm sad because of:

rising costs-health care (insurance, hospitals and doctors),

of low income areas without good paying jobs,

of so many on welfare that could work,

so many on disability that could work,

of the lack of a good work ethic among Americans,

lack of the desire to work and prosper,

the lack of responsibilities,

the huge huge huge devastation of prescription and illicit drugs,

the lack of traditional family-so many children are born without two committed parents within the home,

broken families,

lack of true faith in Jesus,

lack of common decency for others,

the "get something for nothing" ideology,

"I'm owed, I'm deserving" ideology,

"more play, less work" ideology,

more debt within the family- having to have big houses, nicest cars, best vacations, name brand clothes

less giving,

and many more.

I'm sad because I've seen the attitudes of American's change the last 23 years.
I'm sad because we are a very divided country, and our two parties want it that way.

Personally I am for the party that is LESS government control in our life.
The government shouldn't be our "Sugar Daddy".
We need to learn to work again, care for and provide for, our families.

Broken parents have broken children.
Broken families lead to broken countries.

When American's get a new sense of responsibility to take care of our families, to provide for them, to protect them- not the government- THEN we will once again become united.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

46 Years Ago Today....

46 years ago parents married.

Yes, I know.  I AM 46.  So, they actually married 6 months and 11 days after I was born.

And guess who came 8 months and 1 day later?  Yes, sister Karen!

My parents were married 8 years, 6 months, 19 days.

October 9, 1970 to April 28, 1979.

It's funny to think that, so far, I've been married 3 times longer than my parents.  

I thank You, God, for Your Grace.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Crazy, Hard Days

Every two weeks I have what is, to me, a hard crazy schedule.  Now, some people can handle it but for me...I just want to get it done and get it over.  

I cleaned 3 homes and 3 offices in two days.  That put me working during the day...and during the evening hours.  That's 14 toilets.  That's A LOT of vacuuming, a lot of mopping.  Some laundry.  Some changing beds.  Dog hair.   Dirt.  Dust.  Windows.  Dishes.  Spider Webs.  And 3 audiobooks.

Goodness I am thankful for those audiobooks!
I am thankful I can work!

I am having trouble with my right arm from wrist to hand.  I have been having that for several years.  I use my right hand a lot.  My pinky finger goes numb.  From what I understand it's the ulnar nerve.  I've been doing some exercises on it and that helps.  It really is worse when I am not busy, sitting down or laying in bed.  Right now, just typing this- it's going numb. know...all in all- it could be worse.

Goodness I am thankful for youtube videos to help with the ulnar nerve problem!

It's hard to believe but next month, I will be cleaning houses 17 years.  Who knew?  Well, You did, didn't You Lord?  You prepared me for this a long time ago.  Thank You.  

It's all grace!

Thank You,'s Wednesday...I made it through the crazy hard days...and now...I have 12 days until I do it again! 

The LORD is Good.

Monday, October 3, 2016

"Enjoy Me"

Just these two words He spoke
changed my life,
"Enjoy Me."

What a burden I thought I was to carry-
a crucifix, as did He.

Love once said to me, "I know a song,
would you like to hear it?"

And laughter came from every brick in the street
and from every pore 
in the sky,

After a night of prayer, He
changed my life when
He sang,
"Enjoy Me."

-Teresa of Avila 


Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's ALL Grace. 8 years Moment by Moment.

It's true, you know.  It's ALL Grace.

Grace.  God freely extending Himself to me.  God freely giving Himself away to me.  God leaning toward me to share benefit (profit, advantage, gain) with me.  God inclining Himself to me because His tendency is to be near me.

God freely giving all of Himself to me.  Grace.  Jesus.

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:16 For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.

John 1:17 For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.

All that works together for our good because we love Him- grace.
All that God has allowed in our life (the good, the bad and the ugly) to draw us to Him- grace.

Jesus.  Full of grace and truth. From Him we receive grace upon grace. Through Him grace and truth were realized.  

It's hard to believe but tomorrow will be 8 years.  October 3, 2008.  I actually started this blog a month later- charting this journey:

And what a journey it has been.

Abiding.  Trusting.  Resting.  Yielding.  Surrender.  Identity.  Whole Gospel.  
"There is nothing the nearness of Jesus cannot heal."- Mike Wells

In the beginning it's the learning WHO God is and who I am because of Him.  Then the journey continues of- LIVING out this revelation.  Through the years I guess the biggest discouragement is this:

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."

And I can't make him thirsty.  That's what it all boils down to.  Do you REALLY want to know this God?  Intimately?  To live in communion with Him?  For Him to be your very life?  I mean, lots of people just really want to DO for Him.   But doing for Him is not intimacy with Him.  The true "doing" (where real fruit comes from) FLOWS from this intimacy, communion, fellowship and oneness with Him.  Just as obedience flows from love- NOT love FROM obedience.  

Every day. Every morning I wake up- I want Jesus.  I want filled to overflowing with Jesus.  Here's the thing...I AM ALREADY.  I just don't always live from this truth.  

I want streams of living water, nourishing me and rushing through me.  

Don't these words just bloom up inside of you?

John 7:37-39
Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’”  But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Two things:
1) We now live on the other side of the cross, the other side of Pentecost.  If you have believed you have received the Spirit- for He has been given.  Jesus has been glorified!

2)  "From his innermost being (new inner man!  new heart, new spirit Ezekiel 36:26-27 Galatians 2:20, Romans 6) WILL flow RIVERS of living water"
     a) Are you thirsty?  Do you have the desire to WANT this Jesus- desperately, achingly, fully?
     b) Come to "Me" Jesus says. Receive.  Yield. Surrender.  
     c) DRINK  Abide.  Trust.  Rest
     d) Living Water (aka the Spirit)  Living: fresh, not stagnant, alive, bubbling up, gushing forth, flowing, nourishing, refreshing, cleansing, hydrating, quenching, 
When we drink (partake) of Jesus from us- our new self, our new holy and righteous inner man- will flow rivers of living water.  What flows out of us is from the Spirit!  If you read Galatians 5:22-23 you will see what the fruit of the Spirit is- what is produced FROM the Spirit- Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.  These FLOW from us.  It's WHO we are because it's WHO HE IS.  

Now, we can stop the flow.  We can NOT drink from Jesus.  We can go back to our old way of living and thinking.  But it won't change who we are inside.  We are still new creations that choose live like the old self.  

When we truly come to the revelation- 


-this revelation comes through coming to Jesus. Receive.  Yield.  Surrender.

Living out this revelation comes through partaking (drinking) of Jesus.  Abide.  Trust.  Rest.  

When the deepest part of us have been illuminated then from the deepest part of us (Christ in me) flows living water.  All of Him.  Galatians 5:22-23

You can lead a person to Living Water but you can't make them drink.  

I was thirsty.  But now....I am: not stagnant, alive, bubbling up, gushing forth, flowing, nourished/ing, refreshed/ing, cleansed/ing, hydrated/ing, quenched/ing.

Filled to overflowing.  

Amen.  Still moment by moment.  Fixed on Jesus.  My Life.  

Saturday, October 1, 2016