A child of God- beloved, holy, righteous, blameless, healed, forgiven, brand new, sheep, salt, light, a branch, temple of God, reconciled, a saint, God's workmanship, hidden with Christ in God, an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life, a partaker, a living stone- crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ lives IN ME!
Friday, September 30, 2016
I know!
“God is not a belief to which you give your assent. God becomes a reality whom you know intimately, meet everyday, one whose strength becomes your strength, whose love, your love. Live this life of the presence of God long enough and when someone asks you, “Do you believe there is a God?” you may find yourself answering, “No, I do not believe there is a God. I know there is a God.”
~Ernest Boyer, Jr.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Immensely Blessed
Tomorrow my Nick will have his wisdom teeth removed....this evening we raked leaved together, we roasted hotdogs outside in the firepit then just sat out there enjoying each other's company.
"Through the teardrops and the laughter we'll pass through this world hand-in-hand."
-Waylon Jennings
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
FB Holiday
I've decided to take another FB holiday. Why?
1) It's addicting. How many times a day do I look at it?
2) Politics
3) Sports
These 3 combined, along with other things cause me to be- and feel- well, frankly critical and judgmental.
I don't like being that way.
So. I've got some many things I want to do this fall to prepare for next spring.
I really would like to put out a couple more of the peach trees, a couple fig trees and a blueberry bush. My goal is to freeze more fruit.
Also, next year I want to put out some raised vegetable beds. I would like to also freeze, maybe someday can, these vegetables.
We have been trying to get GRASS to grow. Which is really hard to do in this intense heat and lack of rain. The fireants are widespread in the yard and we are hoping get them under control again.
We've done a lot of work this year in our yard and in our home. Next year I hope for new deck on the pool (current one is 16 years old), regravel more of our parking/driveway, start replacing some of our windows and insulate under our house more. Goodness, upkeep on a house and property can be quite a lot but Nick and I are looking to the future. Eventually we are going to have to replace our roof and a new heatpump. That's our planning...we are just taking one step right after another. God always provides.
Anyway- I just needed a FB break. Needed to get some things done. : )
1) It's addicting. How many times a day do I look at it?
2) Politics
3) Sports
These 3 combined, along with other things cause me to be- and feel- well, frankly critical and judgmental.
I don't like being that way.
So. I've got some many things I want to do this fall to prepare for next spring.
I really would like to put out a couple more of the peach trees, a couple fig trees and a blueberry bush. My goal is to freeze more fruit.
Also, next year I want to put out some raised vegetable beds. I would like to also freeze, maybe someday can, these vegetables.
We have been trying to get GRASS to grow. Which is really hard to do in this intense heat and lack of rain. The fireants are widespread in the yard and we are hoping get them under control again.
We've done a lot of work this year in our yard and in our home. Next year I hope for new deck on the pool (current one is 16 years old), regravel more of our parking/driveway, start replacing some of our windows and insulate under our house more. Goodness, upkeep on a house and property can be quite a lot but Nick and I are looking to the future. Eventually we are going to have to replace our roof and a new heatpump. That's our planning...we are just taking one step right after another. God always provides.
Anyway- I just needed a FB break. Needed to get some things done. : )
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Two years ago....
Starla Ellison
As I was reading through some Scripture this morning, these words from Paul spoke to me:
"But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray FROM the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ"- NASB
The original Greek says,
"I am afraid however, lest by any means, as the serpent deceived Eve in the craftiness of him, might be corrupted in the minds of you FROM the simplicity and the purity- IN CHRIST".
I am afraid, as Paul, that many believers have been deceived. I don't believe many believers have been TOLD the whole gospel. Oh, they have been told they are sinners and need forgiveness of sins. They were truly drawn by the Holy Spirit to come to Christ to receive forgiveness of sins through His blood shed on the cross. And they did.
But then what? Many were "discipled". They became good servants of God. Many came to love Him. They became good church attenders, good givers, good do-ers. They became good at quoting the Bible.
And yet many, and I was one, was not taught this:
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
What does that even mean to you? You were crucified with Christ?
What about this? When is the last time someone (preacher, teacher, friend) spoke these verses to you?
Romans 6
3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6 knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; 7 for he who has died is freed from sin.
3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6 knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; 7 for he who has died is freed from sin.
8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, 9 knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him. 10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Friends, THIS IS the whole gospel. Most of us have only been told a portion- and that is
The rest of the gospel is what God did TO YOU, IN YOU through Christ death, burial, resurrections and ascension- and I'll go even as far to say- PENTECOST!
We've wrapped the simplicity and purity of being IN CHRIST to- well, the serpent sure has deceived much of the church. But hey, we are good attenders, good givers and good do-ers aren't we?
Just this week when I was cleaning someone's house, the fellow that owns the house said this to me,
"Why hasn't anyone told me of the Abundant Life? I didn't know what it was!" John 10:10
Folks, Christ in us is the rest of the gospel- the Abundant Life.
Don't let anyone deceive you FROM the simplicity and purity that you have IN CHRIST. You are IN Him and HE is IN you!
Monday, September 26, 2016
The Peace God
God is not the God of disorder (akatastasia) but of peace (eirene). - 1 Corinthians 14:33
181 akatastasía- can not stand (remain steady); unsettled, unstable (in tumult); (figuratively) instability bringing on disorder (disturbance).- HWS
1515 eirḗnē (from eirō, "to join, tie together into a whole") – properly, wholeness, i.e. when all essential parts are joined together; peace (God's gift of wholeness). -HWS
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Hurt people, hurt people.
Anger ignites anger.
Violence produces violence.
Want your children to live in peace?
Teach them to be peacemakers by BEING a peacemaker.
Children live by what they are taught.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Stress and Anxiety
Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.” - John 6:29
That's my daily work, the work God asks of me? To trust? The work I shirk. To trust in the Son, to trust in the wisdom of this moment, to trust in now. And trust is that: work. The work of trusting love. Intentional and focused. Sometimes, too often, I don't want to muster the energy. Stress and anxiety seem easier. Easier to let a mind run wild with the worry than to exercise discipline, to reign her in, slip the binders on and train her to walk steady in certain assurance, not spooked by the specters looming ahead.
That's my daily work, the work God asks of me? To trust? The work I shirk. To trust in the Son, to trust in the wisdom of this moment, to trust in now. And trust is that: work. The work of trusting love. Intentional and focused. Sometimes, too often, I don't want to muster the energy. Stress and anxiety seem easier. Easier to let a mind run wild with the worry than to exercise discipline, to reign her in, slip the binders on and train her to walk steady in certain assurance, not spooked by the specters looming ahead.
Are stress and worry evidences of a soul too lazy, too undisciplined, to keep gaze focused on God? To stay in love?
Isn't joy worth the effort of trusting? Because I kid no one: stress brings no joy.
- Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
Isn't joy worth the effort of trusting? Because I kid no one: stress brings no joy.
- Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
Yesterday ...
September 19, 1906
September 19, 1906
110 years ago today this beloved woman was born!
My grandma, Betha Alma Mills Cleary.
What a blessing (it's all grace!) to have this photo of us! She was 64 when I was born and 73 when my Mom died. It's then she began to help Dad with Karen and me- to cook dinner for us every day.
She lived to be just past 99.
I am so thankful for my dear Grandma.
"Come to Me all ye who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest".
I hope my grandchildren remember me speaking and singing Jesus to them.
My grandma, Betha Alma Mills Cleary.
What a blessing (it's all grace!) to have this photo of us! She was 64 when I was born and 73 when my Mom died. It's then she began to help Dad with Karen and me- to cook dinner for us every day.
She lived to be just past 99.
I am so thankful for my dear Grandma.
"Come to Me all ye who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest".
I hope my grandchildren remember me speaking and singing Jesus to them.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Still wondering.....
For the life of me I cannot understand why people don't want to work. I don't understand why they don't want better. I don't understand why they don't take care of what they have. Work is not a bad thing. It gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment for providing for your family and your self.
Well, I guess it's like my cousin Pam said her dad, Uncle Hyman, always said, "Either you got IT, or you don't."
That IT is...gumption, desire, common sense, willingness.
There is a young woman that I know that survived a horrific car accident. She has spent years recovering. But she REFUSES to be "disabled". Every day, she gets up and goes out because SHE GETS TO! She puts her body through paces every day- and I know it hurts! But she does it. She goes to a job every day that she loves, doesn't get paid-YET- but she will!- so that she can retrain and relearn her job again. She's got that IT! We need more like her and LESS lazy, spoiled, dependent and irresponsible adults. By the way, parents- what kind of future adult are YOU raising?
There is a HUGE difference in those that actually NEED help and those that flat our refuse to help themselves. Those that DO WHAT IT TAKES (and that means sacrificing your wants) to take care of their family. Adversity brings to light what's really inside of a person.
And unfortunately, if this is how you grew up- and see your parents then most likely the children turn out the same way. It becomes generational. Kudos to those that do overcome!
I am going with the apostle Paul on this one:
2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Days like these...
My soul (and body) needed refreshed. Rest.
Yesterday I took Sebastian our for a 2 mile walk. I just didn't have it in me to run. I was still tired from the last 2 weeks. Mr L was out walking. I haven't seen him in awhile. Turns out he was sick for over a month. Prostate and urinary problems. He is doing better now and finally out walking.
Then I worked on Grace Girls- our topic is anxiety. Sent the outline to Patricia to review. We spoke on the phone for quite awhile.
I spent some time outside starting to clean my flowerbeds out for fall. Allison and Roman came over for awhile. Nick came home from work and got to see Roman also : )
I cooked supper while Nick changed the spark plugs and gasket in the Escape.
At 7:30 I met Holly B at Dorman and we walked 4 miles together. What a sweet time!
Today I slept late- until 7:45! After doing the morning chores- dishes, laundry, feed dogs, feed chickens- I took Sebastian out for a 3.2 run.
I brought him home and ran another 4.1- on this run Mr. B stopped to visit with me. He was telling me about his dizzy spells and low blood pressure- about the same time Mr. L was ill. He didn't know Mr. L had been sick either.
So I finally got home and GOT IN THE POOL. It's coming on final days for the pool. Although it is getting hot still during the day- about 90- the nights are getting cooler. I love to leave the doors and windows open!
After the pool- a refreshing fruit smoothie/shake!
Ah..days like this!
I've got to make some more notes for Grace Girls and work on cleaning the flower beds...go to the grocery to get the ingredients for Nick to make the "Do Nothing Cake" for Grace Girls tomorrow night.
Then S. M. will be here for counseling this evening. Cody is coming home for dinner, too. I am so thankful. It's good. It's so good.
Then I worked on Grace Girls- our topic is anxiety. Sent the outline to Patricia to review. We spoke on the phone for quite awhile.
I spent some time outside starting to clean my flowerbeds out for fall. Allison and Roman came over for awhile. Nick came home from work and got to see Roman also : )
I cooked supper while Nick changed the spark plugs and gasket in the Escape.
At 7:30 I met Holly B at Dorman and we walked 4 miles together. What a sweet time!
Today I slept late- until 7:45! After doing the morning chores- dishes, laundry, feed dogs, feed chickens- I took Sebastian out for a 3.2 run.
I brought him home and ran another 4.1- on this run Mr. B stopped to visit with me. He was telling me about his dizzy spells and low blood pressure- about the same time Mr. L was ill. He didn't know Mr. L had been sick either.
So I finally got home and GOT IN THE POOL. It's coming on final days for the pool. Although it is getting hot still during the day- about 90- the nights are getting cooler. I love to leave the doors and windows open!
After the pool- a refreshing fruit smoothie/shake!
Ah..days like this!
I've got to make some more notes for Grace Girls and work on cleaning the flower beds...go to the grocery to get the ingredients for Nick to make the "Do Nothing Cake" for Grace Girls tomorrow night.
Then S. M. will be here for counseling this evening. Cody is coming home for dinner, too. I am so thankful. It's good. It's so good.

Two years ago.....
It's 63 degrees. : ) I have been on the go go go this week. But had great times of fellowship every night this week! EVERY NIGHT since last Sunday evening.
It may have been an individual I walked with,
or a sweet young lady and her baby coming to my house for the evening,
or my son going to the soup kitchen with me,
or a friend coming to prepare for Bible study,
or a house full of women seeking intimacy with Christ,
or a group of like-minded ministries getting together,
or seeing a young man I watched grow up get married
or eating hot dogs with friends-
but God has FILLED our lives with loving friends.
or a sweet young lady and her baby coming to my house for the evening,
or my son going to the soup kitchen with me,
or a friend coming to prepare for Bible study,
or a house full of women seeking intimacy with Christ,
or a group of like-minded ministries getting together,
or seeing a young man I watched grow up get married
or eating hot dogs with friends-
but God has FILLED our lives with loving friends.
Loving friends=a full life of fellowship.
I am so thankful for all all all of you!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
I really wish I could say what is in my heart right now.
I am sitting here on this cool September morning. Not too cool but cool after a summer of hot mornings.
I look out my bathroom window and I see my chickens. A dream I have had for years. I also see the beginning of my raised vegetable garden I will have next spring. I see the Climbing Joseph's Ladder rose my Dad got me for my birthday in March. It's now heading toward 6 feet tall and about 10 roses on it. My gardenia bushes are blooming and the smell drifts through the open window. My front porch is inviting with a couch you can lay on to read or nap.
This is my first free day this month. I've been on the go every day this month. Today I will take my faithful dog, Sebastian for a run. My dog, who is right now, laying at my feet.
I sit here, listening to Phil Wickham singing, Mercy, "Oh such Mercy. He saved the whole world when He hung on the tree, oh such Mercy!"
My house is clean. Laundry done. Porches swept. Oh yes, there are things to do. I have some plans for the day. Work on an outline for Grace Girls. Maybe get out in my flower beds- cut, clean out, trim.
I've waited for this day for two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed being with family- seeing new things and doing new things. "Wherever you are, be all there." But- these days. Home. My home. Puttering and meandering are what my heart longs for. I work hard FOR days like this.
Days like this remind me of my Mom and my Grandma. I think my Grandma found much joy and rest and peace out of these days. I don't think my Mom had much inner peace and rest or joy. I don't think she had gotten there yet. I mean, she was only 39 when she died.
I was 38 when this inner peace, rest and joy began to bubble up in me.
My home is quiet and calm. It's refreshing. It's not always been this way. There were years of angst. When I had no peace, rest or joy. When life was so busy I couldn't breathe or catch up. Oh if I could go back. The things I would do different. But I can't.
But now, right here, right now- I can be a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend who lives in peace, in rest and in joy. That means I may have to do some weeding. Uproot what is not of God. But to also know the difference. See, some "weeds" are actually good for you...DANDELIONS!....and nurture and grow what I thought was NOT of God but actually IS.
How do I know the difference? What to uproot and what to nurture? Abiding. Abiding in Christ and the Holy Spirit will lead, teach, counsel and guide me.
I don't know why my life is where it is right now. Well, I don't know IN AND OF MY SELF. It's not perfect. There are always more bills that come in than money. But God. There is a ping in the motor of the Escape. But God. Our electric bill is sky high. We need a new heat pump. We need a new roof. But God. Nick will be on bloodthinnners for the rest of his life because of what is probably a Protein S deficiency, and our children and grandchildren may have it also. But God.
But it sure is good. But it is all because of God. But God is in the all the moments. But God is the Giver all that we find to be gifts from Him.
The chickens. The rose. The gardenia's. The dogs. The music. The vegetable garden. The clean house. The bloodthinners. The husband that can build, repair, fix, speak love into me and bake. The children that truly truly do love this imperfect mother. The children that have forgiven this imperfect mother. The children that are the light and life of this imperfect mother. WHY ME, GOD? Why have you blessed me so much?
Why have You given me peace and rest and joy? Why have You given me, Your very Self? Why have You given me quiet days? Why have You given me a calming home?
I sit here at this window. The crickets sing. The gardenias sweet fragrance drifts through the window with the breeze. Amy and Karen cluck and peck the ground. Sebastian, faithful dog, close beside me. My sweet grandboy and beloved daughter are right up the road. My "of God" son-in-love is at work. My dark-haired son is at work, such a hard worker is he. My youngest boy is getting ready for school and work. My beloved is at work.
And I thank God. I thank Him for the hard hard years, The years of not wanting to go one more moment of one more day- of wanting to run run run away. I thank Him for the fruit of sticking with it one more moment of one more day. I thank You for the reaping of the sowing. Sowing- one more moment of one more day. Reaping all the moments of the staying, of the trusting, of the abiding, of the resting, of the waiting, of the working, of the tears, of the revelations, of the JOY of enduring- reaping.
Sowing faithfulness. Reaping faithfulness.
Faithful. Full of faith. Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of... Faith.
Jesus...THE Faithful One.
It always comes back to faith. Divine Persuasion.
"Hold on," You say. "Hold on to Me".
I do.
I am sitting here on this cool September morning. Not too cool but cool after a summer of hot mornings.
I look out my bathroom window and I see my chickens. A dream I have had for years. I also see the beginning of my raised vegetable garden I will have next spring. I see the Climbing Joseph's Ladder rose my Dad got me for my birthday in March. It's now heading toward 6 feet tall and about 10 roses on it. My gardenia bushes are blooming and the smell drifts through the open window. My front porch is inviting with a couch you can lay on to read or nap.
This is my first free day this month. I've been on the go every day this month. Today I will take my faithful dog, Sebastian for a run. My dog, who is right now, laying at my feet.
I sit here, listening to Phil Wickham singing, Mercy, "Oh such Mercy. He saved the whole world when He hung on the tree, oh such Mercy!"
My house is clean. Laundry done. Porches swept. Oh yes, there are things to do. I have some plans for the day. Work on an outline for Grace Girls. Maybe get out in my flower beds- cut, clean out, trim.
I've waited for this day for two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed being with family- seeing new things and doing new things. "Wherever you are, be all there." But- these days. Home. My home. Puttering and meandering are what my heart longs for. I work hard FOR days like this.
Days like this remind me of my Mom and my Grandma. I think my Grandma found much joy and rest and peace out of these days. I don't think my Mom had much inner peace and rest or joy. I don't think she had gotten there yet. I mean, she was only 39 when she died.
I was 38 when this inner peace, rest and joy began to bubble up in me.
My home is quiet and calm. It's refreshing. It's not always been this way. There were years of angst. When I had no peace, rest or joy. When life was so busy I couldn't breathe or catch up. Oh if I could go back. The things I would do different. But I can't.
But now, right here, right now- I can be a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend who lives in peace, in rest and in joy. That means I may have to do some weeding. Uproot what is not of God. But to also know the difference. See, some "weeds" are actually good for you...DANDELIONS!....and nurture and grow what I thought was NOT of God but actually IS.
How do I know the difference? What to uproot and what to nurture? Abiding. Abiding in Christ and the Holy Spirit will lead, teach, counsel and guide me.
I don't know why my life is where it is right now. Well, I don't know IN AND OF MY SELF. It's not perfect. There are always more bills that come in than money. But God. There is a ping in the motor of the Escape. But God. Our electric bill is sky high. We need a new heat pump. We need a new roof. But God. Nick will be on bloodthinnners for the rest of his life because of what is probably a Protein S deficiency, and our children and grandchildren may have it also. But God.
But it sure is good. But it is all because of God. But God is in the all the moments. But God is the Giver all that we find to be gifts from Him.
The chickens. The rose. The gardenia's. The dogs. The music. The vegetable garden. The clean house. The bloodthinners. The husband that can build, repair, fix, speak love into me and bake. The children that truly truly do love this imperfect mother. The children that have forgiven this imperfect mother. The children that are the light and life of this imperfect mother. WHY ME, GOD? Why have you blessed me so much?
Why have You given me peace and rest and joy? Why have You given me, Your very Self? Why have You given me quiet days? Why have You given me a calming home?
I sit here at this window. The crickets sing. The gardenias sweet fragrance drifts through the window with the breeze. Amy and Karen cluck and peck the ground. Sebastian, faithful dog, close beside me. My sweet grandboy and beloved daughter are right up the road. My "of God" son-in-love is at work. My dark-haired son is at work, such a hard worker is he. My youngest boy is getting ready for school and work. My beloved is at work.
And I thank God. I thank Him for the hard hard years, The years of not wanting to go one more moment of one more day- of wanting to run run run away. I thank Him for the fruit of sticking with it one more moment of one more day. I thank You for the reaping of the sowing. Sowing- one more moment of one more day. Reaping all the moments of the staying, of the trusting, of the abiding, of the resting, of the waiting, of the working, of the tears, of the revelations, of the JOY of enduring- reaping.
Sowing faithfulness. Reaping faithfulness.
Faithful. Full of faith. Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of... Faith.
Jesus...THE Faithful One.
It always comes back to faith. Divine Persuasion.
"Hold on," You say. "Hold on to Me".
I do.
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. - Hebrews 12:1-3
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
I haven't had a nightmare in awhile. But I did last night. I do NOT remember what it was.
All I remember is waking up and thinking- "It's OK. I'm awake and it didn't happen to me."
I don't remember what "it" was.
Then my body reacted to the fear of the nightmare.
I could literally feel adrenaline, blood- something throb through all of my veins, especially in my legs. It actually hurt. My veins hurt from whatever it was just throbbing and coursing through them. My chest felt like it was heavy but that, too, was from the fear and whatever was coursing through my veins.
I've been terrified from a nightmare before but not like that. To where I physically, literally hurt so bad.
I'm glad I can't remember the dream : )
All I remember is waking up and thinking- "It's OK. I'm awake and it didn't happen to me."
I don't remember what "it" was.
Then my body reacted to the fear of the nightmare.
I could literally feel adrenaline, blood- something throb through all of my veins, especially in my legs. It actually hurt. My veins hurt from whatever it was just throbbing and coursing through them. My chest felt like it was heavy but that, too, was from the fear and whatever was coursing through my veins.
I've been terrified from a nightmare before but not like that. To where I physically, literally hurt so bad.
I'm glad I can't remember the dream : )
This world is not my home.....
This world is not my home,
Oh, this world is not my home,
My home's been made at Heaven's throne,
This world is not my home.
This life is not my own,
Oh, this life is not my own,
I am His and His alone,
This life is not my own.
Oh, this world is not my home,
My home's been made at Heaven's throne,
This world is not my home.
This life is not my own,
Oh, this life is not my own,
I am His and His alone,
This life is not my own.
I was bought when love was slain
What high cost to pay death's wage
Now ransomed I am freedom's slave
My Jesus raised me from the grave
I was bought when love was slain
What high cost to pay death's wage
Now ransomed I am freedom's slave
My Jesus raised me from the grave
Verse Two:
Come now and walk with me,
Oh, come now and walk with me,
Come now and walk with me,
Oh, come now and walk with me,
Together we and Lord shall meet,
Come now and walk with me.
Come now and walk with me.
I was bought when love was slain
What high cost to pay death's wage
Now ransomed I am freedom's slave
My Jesus raised me from the grave
I was bought when love was slain
What high cost to pay death's wage
Now ransomed I am freedom's slave
My Jesus raised me from the grave
Verse Three:
Soon Lord, very soon,
Oh, soon Lord, oh very soon,
You'll come take me to be with You,
Soon Lord, very soon.
Soon Lord, oh very soon.
Soon Lord, very soon,
Oh, soon Lord, oh very soon,
You'll come take me to be with You,
Soon Lord, very soon.
Soon Lord, oh very soon.
Busy week ahead....
Maybe it's good that I have my busy week ahead then off to Gatlinburg on Friday for my brother's wedding.
Our family reunion did not go as I had hoped. It's actually probably going to be our last. Family. Sometimes family is family and families don't always get along. I guess if I had time I would pour it all out here but maybe that's why it's my busy week so that I don't dwell on it.
"I must tell Jesus.
I must tell Jesus!
He ever loves me and
my burdens will carry.
I must tell Jesus!
I cannot bear these burdens alone.
I must tell Jesus.
Jesus, will help me.
I know He will.
Jesus alone."
Our family reunion did not go as I had hoped. It's actually probably going to be our last. Family. Sometimes family is family and families don't always get along. I guess if I had time I would pour it all out here but maybe that's why it's my busy week so that I don't dwell on it.
"I must tell Jesus.
I must tell Jesus!
He ever loves me and
my burdens will carry.
I must tell Jesus!
I cannot bear these burdens alone.
I must tell Jesus.
Jesus, will help me.
I know He will.
Jesus alone."
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Just two to start with. My sister Karen raised them from- eggs- in the incubator.
The littest ones name is Amy. She was born on my friend Amy's birthday, April 1st.
I haven't named the other one yet.
A big thanks to our friends Hal and Marisa for the chicken chalet.
And to Nick for fixing the pen around the chalet.